An important question is what to do when you are monitoring a program's installation, and the setup wants to restart your computer. The answer is simple: you should let the setup restart your computer without stopping monitoring. Installation monitoring will simply continue after the restart.
If you see that the setup still runs after the restart and keeps installing, let monitoring continue, and stop the monitoring after the application has stopped installing. If after the restart nothing happens, just stop the monitoring.
Here is some additional information about this:
Some setup programs restart your computer during installation, or ask you to restart it. Sometimes the restart is just the final step of the install, and in fact may not be needed. In more rare cases, the restart is performed during the setup, and the installation continues long after the restart.
Setup programs restart your computer because they need to replace some files on your system that are in use by the Windows operating system or by some other program. A file can not be replaced or deleted while it is in use. So the setup program restarts the computer to make sure that the file is no longer in use, and then replaces the file.