Uninstalling a monitored application
The Advanced Uninstaller PRO Installation Monitor can fully uninstall a program if you have monitored the program's installation and have saved the application's installation log created during monitoring. In order to uninstall an application for which you have an install log please right click on the System Tray icon and choose the Uninstall an application you have monitored menu item.
The uninstall wizard will appear. The steps of the wizard are:
- Select an application to uninstall - in this step the Installation Monitor shows you the list of applications for which you have installation logs, and you can choose the application to uninstall.
- Select uninstall options - in this step you choose the uninstall options: perform a full or custom uninstall, backup the application before uninstalling, etc.
- The custom uninstall step - this step asks you to select which application items to uninstall and which application items to keep. This step appears only if the custom uninstall option was selected.
- The progress step - appears when the program is reading the installation log and is processing the information necessary for showing the custom uninstall step or for uninstalling the program.
- The common files step - appears if the uninstaller detects that some of the files it is about to remove are common files which may be used by other applications. If this step appears, we recommend you to unselect all the common files found, in order to be sure that all applications on your computer work properly after uninstalling the application you decided to uninstall.
- Running programs - if the program that you are about to uninstall is running on your computer, this step will appear and will enable you to stop the program before uninstalling it.
- The uninstall itself - this step removes the files, folders, registry entries, shortcuts, etc.
- The final step - informs you about how the uninstall went, and shows how many items (files, folders, shortcuts, registry entries, etc) have been uninstalled.
After you uninstalled an application, if you have selected the backup option in the Select uninstall options step, you have a backup file, and you can restore the application from backup.