Custom uninstall

This step appears if you select the Custom uninstall option in the uninstall options step of the wizard. The step shows you all of the application items recorded in the install log, and allows you to select which items you want to remove and which items you want to keep.


A list of application items is displayed. You can check or uncheck the items. Check the items you want to remove, and uncheck the items you want to keep.

There are several types of application items:

  • files
  • folders
  • shortcuts
  • registry entries
  • INI settings
  • etc.

Some items are shown in the list. Other items, which are stored in binary format can be viewed in the view data window.

After you are done with checking the items you want to uninstall, press the "Next" button to uninstall them.

Some selection buttons help you with selecting several items: The "Select All" button checks all the items of the application. The "Select None" button unchecks all the items of the application.

The "Unselect Common Files" button unchecks all the common files of the application. The common files of the application are .DLL, .OCX and other files that are installed in the WINDOWS folder or in other folders under the WINDOWS folder such as the WINDOWS\SYSTEM and WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 folders. These files may be used by other applications. It is recommended to always uncheck all common files.

If you leave some common files checked, an extra wizard step will appear after you press the "Next" button. That wizard step will show you again the common files you selected for uninstalling, in order to give you another opportunity to unselect them.

After you check all the items you want to remove, please press the "Next" button to proceed with the uninstall.

See also: