
In this article, we're going to introduce you to Advanced Uninstaller PRO.

Here are the tools available in Advanced Uninstaller PRO:

General tools

uninstall programs tool

Uninstall Tools

It uninstalls programs for you. Select any program you wish to uninstall and click the "Uninstall" button on the right side of the window. If you wish to uninstall multiple programs at the same time, click the empty circle next to each of them, so that a check mark appears.

monitored installations tool

Monitored Installations

It allows you to access the Installation and Uninstallation monitor. By using it you will be able to uninstall programs that have been monitored during their installation or install a new application.

startup manager tool

Startup Manager

It gives you control over the programs that are automatically started by Windows. Click "Startup Manager" and the current list is revealed. Choose a program and uncheck the circle next to it to remove it from the list of programs that start running at startup. When a program is removed from startup, it will appear in grey color at the bottom of the list. You can always reactivate it by doing the same as you did when deactivating it.

services manager tool

Services Manager

It helps you control the services that run on your computer in the background. Simply check or uncheck the mark next to the program you want to manage.

start menu cleaner tool

Start Menu Cleaner

It cleans you start menu by removing broken shortcuts or empty directories. Simply run the wizard to clean up your start menu.

File and Registry Tools

duplicate files tool

Duplicate Files

It allows you to scan your computer for duplicate files, zero-sized files and empty folders. Just click on it and then click the "Next" button in the wizard

file compression tool

Live File Compression

It helps you use the live file compression feature built into Windows and save precious disk space. Dynamically compresses the files on your hard disk so they take less space, but you continue to work with them as before. Just click on it and then click the "Next" button in the wizard.

file shredder tool

File Shredder

It helps you prevent file recovery by safely overwriting multiple times the items you wish to delete. This ensures that nobody, under any circumstances, can recover them. Just click on it and then click the "Next" button in the wizard

windows temporary files tool

Windows Temporary Files

Temporary files are left behind by a variety of visited programs. To free some disk space, just click on it and then click the "Next" button in the wizard

registry cleaner tool

Registry Cleaner

It launches a wizard to check all registry keys for fixing or deletion. Just click on it and then click the "Next" button in the wizard.

registry optimizer tool

Registry Optimizer

It defragments the Windows registry, so all the programs you run, and Windows itself can access the registry faster. Just click on it and then click the "Next" button in the wizard

registry backup tool

Registry Backup and Restore

It saves your work after using the Registry Cleaner or the Registry Optimizer, or before installing a dangerous program. Just click on "Registry Backp and Restore" and then click the "Next" button in the wizard

Internet Browser Tools

internet explorer browsing history tool

Internet Explorer Browsing History

It shows and manages the Internet Explorer web browsing history, including all the visited pages and the URLs typed in the address bar.

internet explorer addons tool

Internet Explorer Add-ons

It uninstalls or disables the Internet Explorer toolbars, plugins and broswer helpers. Get rid of spyware and toolbars.

internet explorer temporary files tools

Internet Explorer Temporary Files

It helps you delete the temporary files which store the content of the pages you visited while surfing the web in Internet Explorer.

mozilla firefox browsing history tool

Mozilla Firefox Browsing History

It shows and helps you manage the Firefox web browsing history, including all the visited pages and the URLs typed in the address bar.

mozilla firefox extensions tool

Mozilla Firefox Extensions

Choose which Firefox extensions, toolbars and plugins you wish to uninstall or disable. Simply check(for keeping active) or uncheck(for disabling) the mark next to the extension you want to manage.

mozilla firefox temporary files tool

Mozilla Firefox Temporary Files

It helps you delete the temporary files where the content of the pages you visited while surfing the web in Mozilla Firefox is stored.

google chrome browsing history tool

Google Chrome Browsing History

View and manage the Google Chrome web browsing history, including all the visited pages and the URLs typed in the address bar.

google chrome addons tool

Google Chrome Add-ons

Choose which Google Chrome addons, toolbars and plugins you wish to uninstall or disable.

google chrome temporary files tool

Google Chrome Temporary Files

Delete the files Google Chrome saves automatically when you're surfing the web. These are the files that store the content of the pages you visited.

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